Thursday, July 29, 2010


When we moved into this 1940's house a few months ago, the garden we inherited was... very empty. I don't think that the previous owner tended the garden very much. We had some old trees including a beautiful palm tree and a very open canvas in front of us.

So we are making some small progress one weekend at a time. We figured that whatever we end up doing with the garden, we will need tons of fertile soil. So the first project was to build a compost made of found materials. Then a series of baby succulents was planted in the front yard... along with some fruit trees in the back and edibles on the side of the kitchen. Last weekend was all about trimming the overgrown trees. These projects were mostly done by hubby but I participate with watering the newly planted trees whenever I find time. I also talk to these trees when little roo and I take a walk through the yard. (weird??? maybe a little.)

We're finding out that working with dirt can be very healing and meditating. It's a project with an end goal in mind with a very organic process.

We have a (very) long way to go... but we got time:)

our little gardenour little gardenour little gardenour little gardenour little gardenour little garden
tackling the tree
our little garden
our little garden