Thursday, August 19, 2010

pace but not postpone

As you probably already know, I became a mama of our little roo about two months ago.

Taking this very important new role has changed EVERYTHING I had known of.

It feels as if I have turned my knowledge bucket upside down to throw out all my old assumptions and habits to start collecting new ways of doing things from scratch... especially with the concept of time, work and productivity.

Thinking back... there was time when I worked from 4am in the morning till 10pm in the evening and still had time to do other non-work stuff. (hello! my design research consulting era) Starting my day at 4am was great especially working with my partner in a different time zone!

Then there was time when I worked bunch of hours on the airplane and lived in two places so that I could be a part of the design office 1000 miles away from home during the week. (hello! my Seattle-LA commute era)

When I wasn't working on the "work" stuff, I was making things out of scrap materials, arranging friends' wedding... and of course blogging and photographing, etc. etc.

I think I have always been a border line workaholic in a very passionate way. I love to work... to be creative and produce things that matter to me.

Fast forward to May 2010, I checked out of the professional design work completely (call it a maternity leave without pay) to focus on caring for our little roo. It was also a part of our plan to open up some time so that I could create an online home dedicated to capture/share everyday inspiration (which is this blog:) along with a boutique online shop which curates objects to inspire everyday life.

So now that I have my little does the new bucket of time/work/productivity look like?

Well... I really really don't believe in the idea of "when I have {abc}, i can accomplish {xyz}...". If I don't get things done because something doesn't align perfectly, I know I will never get them done even when everything is aligned.

Dreams are not meant to be postponed that way.

So I knew I wasn't going to tell myself, "when the little roo is {3 months old/ready to take scheduled naps/sleep through the night...}, I will start acting on my little dream".

Of course making things happen while caring for a newborn is different (definitely), challenging (sometimes) and it moves in a turtle speed (because I have limited time in my hand). However... most importantly I am laser sharp focused when I work today (because I want to make every moment of my limited time count:).

So I am making one snail step at a time to prepare my shop for an official launch. My goal is to make the big milestone happen within the month of September (probably toward the end of September). It will be an interesting month since I will be back consulting from next week as well as my teaching job from mid-September.

But I know... dreams are meant to be paced but NEVER to be postponed!

p.s. these pics are some of the new houseware products which will be featured in the shop soon. I will be lining up other beautiful objects from stationary to bags... but for now I love the way these crisp white goodies look together!

p.s. x2 one of our friend commented how "white" the inside of our kitchen cupboard looks because we like collecting white dishes... can you imagine how our cupboard looks like looking at these pics? Yeah... pretty much just like these but with slightly different dishes.