Wednesday, August 11, 2010

you inspire me, little roo!

Our little roo has turned 2 months yesterday.

One of our good friends told us that we would explode with creativity when a baby comes along because she would inspire us so much... everyday. After spending the two whole months with our little roo, I can't agree more with him.

I would be honest. Caring for a tiny baby has not always been as dreamy as I had imagined. There are times when I didn't know what to do with her high pitch cry... I was physically drained from not getting enough sleep... I couldn't communicate my feelings well to my hubby... or all of above... all at the same time.

But then... when I got beyond some of these obvious (almost cliche like) challenges, I have found so much love and care for her which simply pours out of me... endlessly.

Today reflecting on my thoughts and feeling is like looking into a very deep well... so much deeper than the way it used to be. I can feel that we are growing to be more empathetic and patient individuals... and everything we learn from being with little roo bring a whole new set of insights to life.

Seeing her change everyday makes me believe that we are so capable of growing and learning new things in every moment of our lives... and it is almost impossible not to get inspired... inspired to create more... not in quantity but in quality.

Happy 2 months, little roo. You inspire me everday.

2 months
2 months