Friday, December 17, 2010

lead by example

These days we often talk about how we want our little roo to grow up. Naturally we would love her to be creative and imaginative... and we came to the conclusion that WE need to be "the person" we want her to be because she learns from watching us.

Since she was a few months old, she would sit in her bouncer and watch me cook. She loves all the action happening in our little kitchen. Nowadays, I also bring her to my work table when I am working with my hands. (not so much when I am on my laptop...) If she is in a good mood, she can be entertained across the table for a big chunk of time. I usually like to explain to her what I am trying to do... showing her tools and materials... 

Time like this is quite precious...

I hope we will always lead her by example... by kneading our life with creativity and imagination.
making thingssatchi at work table