Sunday, January 2, 2011

Our NYE!

Since we had to rush the Christmas due to our traveling schedule, we totally immersed ourselves in the magical NYE here in Hamburg. It was a total hit and I absolutely loved every moment of it.

Here is a little photo story!
NYE 2010-2011
Hubby went out early in the morning to buy tons of fireworks!
NYE 2010-2011
This is for the evening... the melted lead can tell the fortune for the new year.
NYE 2010-2011
Little roo enjoyed her first sledding adventure! Don't you just love this old wooden sled? Instant Scandinavian touch:)
NYE 2010-2011
Big fish for dinner!
NYE 2010-2011
Melting the lead over candle to see what 2011 might bring to our life... Once the lead is completely melted, we pour it into a bowl of water... then a unique shape will form.
NYE 2010-2011
This is my fortune for 2011. Doesn't the shape on right look like a dog from the side? Dog means "great event will be waiting for you" Awesome!
NYE 2010-2011
After diner we did fireworks at home for our little roo. She was so mesmerized...with her big eyes wide opened. After she went to bed, hubby and I took a walk through the park right before midnight to get to the spot which overlooks the big river. The moment the clock reached 12pm, there were fireworks EVERYWHERE. So festive and so bright. The park was empty so it really felt like a private firework show.

We often say, "when ending is good, everything is great". 

I would say that we ended our year well!