Sunday, March 27, 2011

rejuvenated {inside and out}

I have finally caught some moments to breath this weekend. Good homemade food, plenty of giggle time with little roo and our first adventure to LA zoo... ending the night with a scoop of ice cream and 40's black and white French movie.

Little roo LOVED the zoo. She was excited to see other kids running around and to meet all these moving creatures for the first time. It was simply amazing to think that she was absorbing the brand new concept of "flamingo" (see the last pic!) for the first time.

I also did a mini break-through exercise which my partner in crime shared with me. The idea was to list all my favorite past projects and write down "what" they were... and more importantly "why" I liked those projects and "how" I made it happen in order to figure out if there is a pattern that might emerge... It was an interesting way to look at projects and what those projects brought to my life. I highly recommend it if you get stuck with what you are doing... (doesn't it happen to everyone time to time? or is it just me?)

So tonight I feel pretty good... ready to start a new week!

I hope you had a wonderful weekend full of giggles and smiles:)
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