Sunday, March 20, 2011

Thank you...

Thank you everyone for reading the SOS messages from Japan I have posted on the other blog... When I checked last night, the blog had hits from 200 visitors.

I am still searching for online information that needs to be shared immediately but thankfully I am seeing less and less of those urgent messages with life threatening situations. Also I have read that the baby I have mentioned in this post have gained her conscious back.

I am thankful for people like this brave individual who has taken his own risk to gather and deliver relief supplies to the hardest hit area before official aid organizations were able to reach... and I am thankful for an incredible online/offline community that has a great power to make changes. I know Japan has a long and hard way to its recovery but I also know that each one of us can continue to be a part of the process.

Today I tried to step away from my laptop to have some moments to reflect. Even after a year, I miss Norm dearly. Hubby and I have talked about him and what happened to him many times in last 365 days... trying to make sense out of it...

...and everytime we end up with the same conclusion that we need to be living our lives everyday.

So we will.


p.s. I have collected some photos I have taken in last few years that felt peaceful... I imagine him watching us from peaceful places like these...
a beautiful placethings that are beautifulthings that are beautifulthings that are beautiful