Monday, April 11, 2011


It's not unusual for me to have out-of-ordinary working hours here...

Like today, I was teaching at school from 8am-12pm, went out for a long lunch with my co-teacher, hubby+roo, then came home to do some consulting work... then continued working on the shop and few other things. When I looked up to see what time it was, it was 9pm and was time to eat some dinner.

When I added all my working hours for today, it came out to be roughly 10 hours. I often work 5-6 hours after little roo's bed time too. Mostly those hours are saved for my shop updates... which I love.

I do feel lucky and fortunate to have current situation. Even though I am buried in the work, I can still hear little roo giggling with her papa in the other room and take 15 minutes break from my laptop to have tea with my favorite duo or watch her take bath. I really think these moments fuel my energy and give meaning to my day - long hours and all...

Thanks roo for making my day special... everyday.
at home...