Sunday, April 24, 2011

Growth sprout!

I can't tell you how much our little roo has grown in last few weeks.

Talk about growth sprout!!

It all started on the day when I broght her to the local children's museum. I think seeing older kids play and do all sorts of trick really motivated her to push her comfort zone. I quickly decided to purchase a family membership at the museum so we can just stop by when we have a chunk of time and let her play.

These are a list of few tricks she JUST learned in a past week.
- free-stand while lifting her weight (aka toys)
- point at objects with her finger
- chit-chat in her roo-language all day long
- take regular nap twice a day (bliss...)

I also downloaded a few iPad apps for our up-coming air travel. Some alphabet app, interactive book and sign-along apps... We "user-tested" those apps this morning while we had our breakfast. She was so into it that she didn't want to let go of my iPad so I think we will be able to kill a part of our flight with these apps.

We're looking forward to spending a week with our favorite twins in Hawaii. (yes!! we are heading out for much needed vacation in a few days:) I know little roo will enjoy playing with them at the shallow beach. Who knows... maybe we will come back with an walking baby.

play date with rooplay date with rooplay date with rooplay date with roo... what?