Thursday, April 28, 2011

mini shop update from baum-kuchen


I am truly thankful for the buzz we have received from the Joanna's post on A CUP OF JO!

I am restocking all Traveler's Notebook items including the Traveler's Notebook in brown leather  which has sold out in less than two days! With this up-coming restock, I will be adding more accessories and various refill notebooks to make your adventures even more memorable.

Also I have finally made a contact to a distributor who can help me stock my favorite Japanese lifestyle magazine Come Home in my shop. The magazine is in Japanese but I think non-Japanese-reading customers will still LOVE their simple, humble yet inspiring aesthetics...

I own a few of their old issues and they were *by far* the favorite magazines for my mother-in-law in Germany while she was visiting us in the States. (which makes me think that it is promising)

It will be a busy summer coming up! Stay tuned:)