Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I think I made enough garlands... (for now)

Seriously... I never thought I would EVER have enough garlands... but I think we have enough for now.  (although once I hang them all outside, I am going to wish that I had more...)

Aside from all these garlands I am cutting/sewing away, I have made an artifact frame using simple IKEA frame. I love doing this. Taking the glass out of the frame and creating open shadow box. I kept a tiny little clothe which little roo wore when she came home from the hospital so I hang it with clips. I also found a card we received from the hospital when we checked out... so I sew the card onto the same fabric I used for garlands and hang it as a part of the frame. The frame will be a part of little roo's birthday shrine and afterward I we will use it as a pin board in her room!

Now the photo book from her first year is ordered via Blurb...and yeah. I think we're ready! 

Oh I have so much fun doing this. All my friends I see these days are asking me how I am doing with the party-prep and how much fun I am having!

I guess it shows when I am doing something I love:)

What I love about creating an event is that journey to make it happen is also very special.  I felt that when we were getting ready for our wedding party (which was totally DIY!) and also when I was helping my friend's wedding reception. A magic happens when a vision is translated into an execution  and I love being immersed in the moment.

I think I need to find ways to do this more... find ways to make a part of my living through creating these special moments for other people...  I will be a very happy camper:)

more birthday party prep!more birthday party prep!artifact frame 
more birthday party prep! 
more birthday party prep!