Sunday, July 31, 2011

little something to make it nice...

Once a month or so... FB and I have some kind of occasions to be out in the evening. Roo's bedtime has been around 6:30-7pm... so we usually end up asking one of our friends to hang out at our house while she zzz..

When I was younger, I used to babysit a lot for different families so I know exactly what it's like to come to someone's house to hang out with little ones... It's fun but at the same time slightly strange and awkward to sit at what seems like an empty house for a few ours after kids go to sleep.

So now I play the opposite role in this babysitting relationship...., I try to make things nice for my lovely friends who have been so sweet and generous with their support.

I like preparing a little tray with a carafe filled with water, cute glasses and cups with a tea pot ready to be steeped. Oh and a bowl full of chocolates (of course.)

It's nothing fancy but little something which hopefully makes the 3 hours at our home comfortable.
