Sunday, September 4, 2011

new routine - 9pm

With our roo in my life, I am all about coming up with a creative daily routine that works for us.  Trying out a new routine always feels like tackling a new challenge... and having some kind of framework and predictable schedule really allows me to be free of chaos in my head... less email check while I am with roo... and more focus on the moment.

If you are my twitter buddy, you might have noticed my new evening routine...

I am trying out 9pm cut-off for work and anything laptop related. I then take a short walk with our fluffy family member Shep then head to bed to catch up on my reading...

Since it has been such a crazy summer, I have been working late almost every night. Having my own business = there is ALWAYS something to edit, create, update, follow-up... etc. etc.

Good side? I LOVE doing it...
Bad side... I can easily get carried away and I often get this feeling that it is the "only" thing that matters at the moment. I forget to eat, sleep and take care of myself and people in my life. By the time I decide to end the night, I am so worked up that I have really difficult time falling in sleep even though I am totally exhausted.

So last few days I am forcing myself to stop at 9pm... literally peeling myself away from the laptop. Shep loves it because he has a new little routine to look forward and I love it because I am sleeping little longer (which means more likelihood of getting up early and doing laps at swimming pool in the morning) and I look forward to the next opportunity to work on my stuff!

You know the saying that it's always better to leave a party at its peak instead of waiting till it ends? Yeah... that feeling.

Naturally some routine works better than others but we would only know it by trying. So we'll see... for now I am closing my biz every night at 9pm;)