Friday, October 14, 2011

Thank you {Country Living} for featuring Brass Number Clip!

I got something special in the mail on Wednesday - the brand new issue of Country Living!

My heart jazzed when I first got an inquiry email from them for the product sample... to do a photo shoot of Midori BRASS Number Clip. I think I sent a few texts to my good friend and hubby... (because I hardly could hold the excitement to myself). I consider my shop as "boutique" and I am really happy with the size of its operation. It's plenty big to keep me busy but small enough to build very personal relationship with my customers. 

But now... thanks to the power of a social tagging tool like svpply and an inspiring blog like notcot,  little shop like ours can be discovered by big magazine labels:) 

I am really inspired by the way they incorporated the Brass Number Clip on their page with other stationary. The page has a bit of modern rustic aesthetic and that's a perfect place for baum-kuchen to land:)

Thank you Country Living!