Saturday, October 8, 2011

wrapping little gift with {mt masking tape}

Isn't it strange that we get invited to all the kids' birthday party (or that's what seems like) once we have our own little one??

Few weeks ago, we went to the cutest 1st birthday party for Mia-chan who has very cool/creative parents (kind of parents we like to hang out with:)

We managed to find roo's favorite Japanese book (thank you auntie Lisa!!!) at Kinokuniya! So I got kind of giggly while I was wrapping these cute books for Mia-chan.  I've been using my mt masking tapes for everything in/out of home. It feels like they got all the awesome colors and fun patterns for any occasions imaginable... and they can transform super simple brown kraft paper into something so bubbly and happy:)

When we got to the party, roo attempted to give the gift to Mia-chan then totally changed her mind at last minute ( when Mia-chan reached for the gift)... Roo wanted to hold back the gift as tightly as possible... {sigh...} someday she will know how to happily give gifts to her friends;) 


Purchasing Information
Price: $22 for a set of 5 mt masking tape
Availability: baum-kuchen shop