Saturday, March 31, 2012

03:31:12 [100:365] - home?

Our stay in Japan is just short of 3 more weeks to go.

Our day in Kyoto usually consists of a small outing in the morning followed by a lunch at home and an afternoon nap for Roo (and a tea/sweet time for parents)... then another mini outing in late afternoon. We have been making a point of coming home for Roo's nap... and it has helped us to pace ourselves.

Kyoto has been interesting. It is full of amazing/inspiring things...

Before we left our home in Los Angeles in February, I felt that I might fall in love with Kyoto so much that I would wish to live here one day... but on the contrary to our original thought, we haven't found emotional "home" here in Kyoto.

I suppose we never know how our connection develops with places until we get there. 

We are happy to be here... and we are happy to be heading to our home in Los Angeles in a few weeks:)

We have one more week in Kyoto by ourselves followed by another (last) week with FB's parents from Germany... then one week of cross-country traveling before we depart Japan!

We are anticipating cherry blossom in any days now... and I can't wait to see the magic happen:)


p.s. photos from beautiful Moss Garden we visited with our friends Naomi, Patrick and their cute boy Milo!