Wednesday, May 2, 2012

05:02:12 [125/365] - because what I do everyday... matters.

Sometimes people are surprised that I take care of every single order that goes through our shop door by myself... and yes... all the details that go into the baum-kuchen packaging definitely is a big part and probably the most fulfilling portion of my everyday shop duty.

Few days ago I had two orders that came in right around the same time... Both were Traveler's Notebook orders with different buyer names, different shipping addresses and same shipping name.  It was unusual... so I asked the customers if they were the correct addresses. It turned out that it was a couple who was ordering Traveler's Notebook for each other as their Anniversary gift.

I jumped with my heart melting... Isn't it so sweet?

I was so excited that they picked Traveler's Notebook as a symbol of their lasting relationship... because I know that these notebook will last for a long time... just like their relationship will.

I was also super honored that I was able to facilitate such am important gift...

So I asked each of them separately... if they would like to include their personal note in the package and offered to transcript their note (sent via email) by my vintage typewriter. They both sent me beautiful notes to each other... and I got to play a small role of love letter messenger...

These are the moments that truly make me feel that... I have picked a right path for myself.  Leaving a conventional career path in design industry was not an easy choice and I still wonder sometimes "what if...?" But one thing I know for sure is that I could have never related to individuals in the way I do today through my shop and I am thankful that I can...

Thank you Christian and Kate... and happy anniversary to you.