Sunday, July 22, 2012

07:22:12 [167/365] - recovering...

My wisdom teeth surgery went well on Friday morning... It was really awkward to lose the conscious in the way they did with IV... It was like I knew what was going on in one second and was completely gone in the next second.

So last few days have been simply about recovering. Lots of resting, taking Vicodin and antibiotics, and more resting. First day was all about soup and smoothies... and now I can chew lightly, I ate homemade roasted chicken like I haven't eaten anything for a while.

My right cheek is quite swollen... and feels heavy. I am crossing my fingers that some of these uncomfortable feelings will leave me soon...

Hope everyone is having a restful weekend:)

p.s. photos from garden herbs I stuffed the roasted chicken with. they are delicious even for someone who can hardly taste anything:)