Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The art of traveling... pure creativity

In Los Angeles, we have been really spoiled with sun and warmth... (bit too much this summer). Well... it's unlike here in Northern Germany. The sunshine comes out between rain and cloud and it's precious. So whenever there is light coming through, we head out for some outdoor time.

We spent few hours at a local river beach this afternoon and it was simply lovely.

I absolutely loved traveling alone for a week in Japan because it gave me so much mind and dream space to think big. You know... stuff that gets buried in the everyday operation.  I thought that being alone had a lot to do with it but now I am thinking perhaps I was wrong.

FB and I were enjoying watching our Roo play with sand... making cakes and finding treasures. And we had the most productive "what's next" conversation about Baum-Kuchen. It was not intended... I mean there was no meeting memo and agenda but it sort of flow.

It felt nice. The ideas that never came to my mind when we are at home in Los Angeles... were there.

I believe in traveling and being mindfully there for the journey. Not to cross off the check mark from "places to visit" as a tourist but simply because we learn a lot about ourselves by seeing something completely different.

There is no guidebook needed for that:)