Thursday, September 20, 2012

Thinking of you...

As you could probably tell from lack of my blog updates..., I have been swamped. Trying to accommodate Roo's extra needy behaviors (due to her going to preschool for the first time) and project work has kept me pretty full schedule.

When it gets this busy, I have hard time keeping up with friends and families. They come to my mind randomly throughout the day but I am little too buried in tasks to stop and share the thought with the person via text, phone call or emails...

But funny things happened recently. Everytime I thought of someone, the person has reached me out to get in touch. It was the coolest and weirdest feeling. It kept happening over and over...

Do you think it's true that when we think of someone, the person is also thinking of us???  I kind of like it:)

p.s. this photo taken on one of our last day in Hamburg, 09/2/12