Friday, December 7, 2012

Hello, Paper Twine!

If you check our Facebook page regularly, you might have noticed some new updates about our brand new collection, Paper Twine from Paperphine!

We fell in love with these paper strings wrapped around the beautiful vintage braider's bobbins when we stumbled upon a very small stationery store while we were traveling Berlin. We knew instantly..., that they will make such a nice addition to our shop. The combination of the bright and vibrant colors with rustic bobbins... I can stare at them all day long.

They come from the passionate textile designer of PaperPhine in Vienna, Austria and I am thrilled to share some of our favorite colors with you!

I know we are getting really really close to Christmas. If you are looking for something to wrap your gifts or to give as a unique and unusual (and colorful!) present to someone special, please take some time to browse the collection:)

Available colors at Baum-Kuchen