Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Visual Diary

Few days ago I was cleaning my desk and found this Traveler's Notebook I used from 2008-2009!

Oh my... I couldn't believe how much thoughts and inspiration I collected... It took me a while to recognize that it was actually me who put together this book.

I think this documented year was the most intense year for me in some way... I was commuting weekly between LA and Seattle, FB and I traveled quite a bit and most importantly it was a year when I had a lot of time to myself even between busy days at work.

This was the year when the idea of Baum-Kuchen crystallized in my mind on an airplane ride home from Seattle to LA... (though it took another whole year and a baby to execute the idea into a reality).

When I found the notebook, I sat down and read through all the notes I jotted down. It's a messy book... very raw and in a way honest and pure but I was really glad that I had some record of what I was thinking back then. Unfortunately I barely have time these days to put together a thought on this blog. Life has been quite full with shop, motherhood... and simply caring for my health and wellness. But maybe... (and maybe) I can start a new book to pour my thoughts in.
