Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sick days...

I am sure you have heard of nasty flu/cold that is going around this winter... everywhere. We've avoided any serious sick days in last few years but since Roo started her pre-school last fall, we are very exposed to all germs possible.

On Tuesday morning... it started out of nowhere. We were planning to have a date at a zoo to see elephants... but she didn't want to get off my lap at all.  She usually does like sitting on my laps when possible but this attachment was so unusual... it quickly made me realize that there was something little off in her body.

Her temperature went up really quickly in the morning and by 10:30am she was out... just draping herself over my body with really high fever. I took her temperature around noon and it was 102.4F. It scared me quite a bit especially because she was refusing to drink/eat anything. But by 12:30, I managed to get half of a mango Popsicle in her system and she quickly regained some spirit... so I told myself to calm down and get through this with clear head. I researched around online for symptoms of fever and what to do tips. A lot of health websites suggested not to reduce temperature by medicine since the heat is essential in fighting bacteria/virus in her body. She dozed off to sleep throughout the day (which NEVER happens in her regular state) and I got some urgent work done while she slept but stayed really close to her all day.

We watched a few movies on my laptop when she was awake and I tried to spoon feed her some chicken soup I made the morning, milk, water and strawberries (which she requested) as much as possible.

In the late afternoon, her condition showed some improvement after a nap so we called a few friends and families to video chat and get a good dose of "get better" cheers. (thank you, Jane, Susan and mom!) Both Roo and I went to sleep really early the night... I barely got any sleep because I kept waking up to check on her... but by morning her temperature went down and she was close to be herself!!!

We took things easy for the following days and stayed mostly at home this weekend to help her recover fully (and avoid more germs!!). Her appetite was really low until yesterday and I was constantly worried that she would swing back to the fever state... but today seemed to be the first very normal day. 


It was my first time going through the intense cold/flu symptoms with Roo and it was a humbling experience. It was like my whole heart and mind was poured out of myself for her well-being.  Now I have a whole new respect for moms (and dads) caring for sick babies and kids...

Thankfully, neither Frido nor I got sick from what Roo had (yet... knock on the table).

I am crossing my fingers crossed for all of us to get through this cold/flu season...