Monday, April 22, 2013

Delayed gratification... and going through the wonder of being pregnant...

I am starting to feel... that 9-10 months of pregnancy is one big delayed gratification...

I've gone through so many different emotions and mixed feelings in last 8+months... They were mostly brought by normal pregnancy physical discomforts and back and fourth between accepting the reality and slightly showing the sign of denial about how our life might become when shift happens.

Last Thursday I was talking to a mom friend who had her second girl about nine months ago... and she told me that one thing that she regrets is that she was so anxious to meet her baby that she didn't take a moment to embrace the beauty and wonder of the very last part of her pregnancy. She wished that she would have taken some time to not only enjoy the experience of pregnancy but also prepare to say good-bye to the amazing journey when it completed its path.

Listening to her... made me realiz that I am feeling anxious for different reasons. I have been anxious about getting stuff done for Baum-kuchen... producing and creating as much as I can and preparing the shop for a possible brief pause when our little one arrives. I love what I do... so I wouldn't change the way I spend my days today but I know that if I am too buried into work, days will go without noticing small wonders.

So now I am taking few moments here and there to just meditate on what's happening within me. Lots of thinking about our little baby and simply being wowed by the idea of a human creating another human in the body... and appreciating metamorphosis and burst of life happening inside me. The process has been helping me to accept everything that happened in last 8 months, some of the physical discomforts and what might come as we get closer to the delivery... including the thought of possible cesarean if the baby decides not to turn head down...

I am glad... that we have good nine months to prepare our body and soul for a whole new journey just about to begin...