Monday, July 15, 2013

Last seven days...

We had a busy week... launching the new Baum-kuchen love letter, keeping up with daily shop operation, brainstorming on new products, (continuously) recalibrating what's Baum-kuchen is all about, feeding the family of four, and weekend full of friends and festivities!

Coco seems to have passed the second phase of adjustment to the world. Night shifts for me feels easier each night..., her skin is getting little better from baby acne, and she takes much better naps throughout the day! She is also starting to smile (seriously cute!!), tracks animated objects with her eyes and feels more sturdy as a baby. Overall... she is such a chill baby. I love hanging out with her!

Roo made a HUGE leap during her swim lesson this week. I am pretty proud of her that she can now swim into the water with her face under the water and body floating. A huge leap...

She does go back and fourth between still wanting to be a baby and loving to play a big sister role... and occasional meltdowns that seems to overflow with so much emotions. Frido and I try to adjust our parenting strategy constantly so that there is no shortage of love and compassion... without compromising boundaries on few important matters. It's not always easy but we're getting through and I know that these days will be the critical foundation for our relationship in the long run. I guess we approach a parenting kind of like a design challenge...

I hope everyone has a lovely summer week coming up!

