Saturday, July 20, 2013

Vinh's Traveler's Notebook [24/7 back pocket notebook]

Tell us what you do for life (both work and fun!) 
I had never intended for my studies in design to become such an impactful and large portion of my life, until the day came when everything in my life revolved around it.
I guess if you love what you do, it’ll never be “work”. By day I work for a design consultancy in the Bay Area, after that I have series of projects with a few clients and “pet” projects with friends in hopes that they becomes realities.
How does your Traveler's Notebook fit your life?  
The Traveler's Notebook fits my life in so many different aspects.
Always on the go between different projects, clients, and random experiences I never know when pen and paper become a quintessential part of the everyday. Before having a passport sized Traveler's Notebook, I was one to never have a sketch/note book on hand because they were too cumbersome and infringed with my enjoyment not having to carry a bag around.
How do you customize your Traveler's Notebook so that it works for you?   

I currently use the brown Passport Size Traveler's Notebook with refills of Muji passport notebooks. The Muji passport notebooks have a smoother paper surface. When I take the Muji notebooks around without the Traveler's Notebook leather cover, the notebook can be bit flimsy.
As a guy I can not be burdened by carrying anything but the utmost minimum. The Passport Size Traveler's Notebook is perfect for a back pocket accessory that feels nothing more than a wallet.
Can you share something that recently inspired you? 
Living in the SF area and working in the city brings new inspirations on a daily bases. I am obsessed and inspired by the visual notion of how people's lives have been overrun by smart devices. Watching the lack of human connections that happen on the journeys of people in their everyday lives.
That isn’t the most inspirational turn of events, but is interesting to watch and learn the unfolding of the old social society into a new digital one.
To customize your Traveler's Notebook like Vinh:
  • Brown Passport Size Traveler's Notebook