Tuesday, August 6, 2013

This past week...

Last week started really well with a surprise visit from my parents... but got more and more challenging as days went by. Everyone in the household including Coco coughing. For a few days poor little baby couldn't settle to sleep on her own so Frido and I carried her in our arms most of our awakening hours. I ended up taking her to a doctor on Friday just to make sure she will be okay going into the weekend.

We took the weekend very easy... mostly at home by ourselves and I think that did a trick. I am so relieved that everyone is onward recovering and back to more so normal...

By the way, Roo got her first hair cut. We liked her long hair but constant battle to dry and brush had become too much to add to the morning and evening routines... and I couldn't tolerate sending her off to school with more bird nests in her head. Her new hairdo is the best thing happened to our family!

Hoping that our health will get back to 100% this week and we will be able to see a few friends throughout the week.