Monday, September 30, 2013

things I want to remember as a parent...

We all sometimes have nightmares, right? I had one of those worst kind of nightmare as parents last night... In the dream, we managed to lose one of the girls in crowds and I was desperately looking for her... It was so real... scary real. I woke up terrified, frightened and helpless.

It took me a whole morning to shake off my bad dream... I hoped I never NEVER would have to go through the kind of experience outside of my nightmare... then I wondered why I had the dream.

Over the weekend we were away to spend some time with our friends and their kiddos. Throughout the week, there were so many moments that reminded me that our little ones... are really growing up. I am awed by this process. On one end I look forward to seeing our girls grow up and witnessing whom they would become... and on the other end... I feel bitter sweet.

I wondered if dream meant to tell me not to let our girls get out of sight. Not only in the crowds but also throughout their growing first few years that seems to move a lot quicker when we look back.

In these years we as parents are the gravity to their world... they see us as role models of life and guide rail to experiment with the world. A lot of their gestures (both positive and negative... like tantrum?) are reflections of our own...

Share good lessons with them but also be opened to learn from them.
Be kind... be mindful... always lead by examples and be truly present.
... and most importantly... just love them with a whole heart.

My girls constantly help me to grow as a person... and I am so thankful for them...

p.s. here are two articles that really moved me reg. parenting recently...
"A secret to Dad greatness" on Zen Habits
Daily rhythm via the littlest blog