Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Birth month...

I turned 35 on December 15th. In the midst of the busiest month for the shop and attending holiday markets... the day felt like it was inhaled by a giant tsunami wave. I loved the day with my family after coming home from San Francisco and second half of the day spent at the shop... but personally I didn't have a chance to truly reflect on the occasion. So I told myself that it's okay that I would mark a birth month instead of a birthday... 

The funny thing is that the focus and the reason to recognize our birth seems to shift as we get older. Few days before my birthday, my dad told me that it's not all about celebration anymore... I am sure he meant in a good way to teach me something. Now I look back the entire month... it really has been a month of contemplation. About who I have become... and whom I want to grow into. About the bright moments from my childhood memory but also the dark parts that do not get discussed often but has been becoming more obvious in how it's affecting me today. About life... which is at the end of the day... the accumulation of what happens everyday. 

I don't have any conclusion or haven't had much of aha moments... even though the month is nearing to the end. What I am glad about is that I had a chance to think about things that matter... because life is important... and that's the spirit I would like to carry over to the new year.