Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas... means a little bit more.

We just came home from an overnight celebration hosted at my parents' house. The word "thankful" comes to my mind tonight...

Thankful for getting through the busiest month of the shop as one. Thankful for all the cheers and merry we received throughout the season from our loved ones. Thankful for our family. Thankful for the special holidays that bring a lot of moments to pause and be present. Thankful for making it "little bit more" just because... (thanks for the special quote, Susan!)

I am looking forward to the rest of this year to gather thoughts and reflect, cleanse and prepare to welcome new year and spend time with my family.

Sending very warm thoughts to our friends near and far...



p.s. Our studio/shop is not officially opened until January but I will be fulfilling orders as usual as I am also looking forward to spending time there and giving a deep cleaning to our Baum-kuchen space!