Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Saying hello... in an analogue way!

As parents, it was our conscious decision to leave our iPad at home and to keep our laptop usage to minimum (mostly after girls go to sleep...) while we are on the island. There are two daily shows Satchi and I look forward to watching on my grandfather's TV and that has been such a treat since we don't own a TV at our home in LA...

Mostly... our favorite downtime activities (which we have a lot of when it rains...) have been doodling, brainstorming and writing letters on our 10 foot dining table. Satchi has been making drawings with quite bit of story lately so I have been busy transcribing her words next to her visuals... Also we brought Polaroid instant photo printer from home (it was a last minute decision!). Even though the printer is not all accommodating when it comes to connectivity with other devices..., we figured out how to print selected photos via my Android phones. Real photos on our letters and journals have been adding so much to the layers of stories. We love it.

We make a mailbox stop every few day to send letters to our friends and families... hoping to share some of our adventure in an analogue way.

p.s. I am already dreaming to get the 10' work/dining table in the middle of our dream house in the future...