Wednesday, June 4, 2014

ONE year with our sweet (but very strong) Coco!

Coco turned ONE yesterday!

I never realized how incredibly important a kid's birthday is for parents until recently. For me... it's such a big emotional milestone. Thinking about how much we as a whole family went through in last 365 days...


She now climbs on everywhere and everything. If we don't see her for a while and it's quiet..., she can usually be found on top of something she is not really suppose to. She is a climber. Between climbing and her very fast crawling, she does not seem to be in a hurry to start walking. I mean... she kind of gets to everywhere she needs to with those two skills.

I recently heard her say "koko"... and I looked her and asked "coco??"... and she replied "koko". I asked her "coco" again in front of Frido because I wanted him to see it... of course she totally pretended that she did not hear me.

When I see her getting frustrated because she can't get something she really wants..., it reminds me of a bull dog... a cute kind of bull dog in a most loving way... of course. I have a feeling that she will be totally okay with life when she grows up. She will get what she sets her heart on. Her very strong heart...

For her birthday, she received a special parcel from omi and opi in Germany. Both girls ADORE the cuddly music doll. Satchi calls her "charlie" and carries her as her new baby. Coco gives her a hug and kiss when Satchi is not watching her:)

Papa's birthday apricot cheese cake was delicious (even though he criticizes his own cake like there is no other...). I am pretty set for this coming week's lunch in the studio;) Satchi and Frido taught her how to blow candles. Coco was blowing imaginary candle for the rest of day.

Happy birthday, my sweet Coco. You have helped me and Frido grow tremendously as parents and Satchi as a sister... in this past year. We love you so much!