Friday, August 22, 2014

Back home in Hamburg!

We have safely arrived to Hamburg, Germany yesterday after traveling nearly 24 hours.

I don't mean to make everything sound so perfect (Coco cried crazy loud for the very first hour of our very first flight. Thank goodness for very sweet Air Canada flight attendants!) but traveling with kids does get easier by simply doing. So if you are hesitant to travel because you are worried about little ones... I say, just do it;)

It has helped tremendously that our expectation of the first few days in Germany is very very minimum. All we really need to do it to spend time with family and help the girls cope with new environments. To my surprise, Satchi is mainly self sufficient. Totally started engaging with her grandparents in German and English and had so much fun playing with her extended cousin. Coco is having more difficult time accepting the new reality that surrounds her but we are getting through it.

Tomorrow we are attending a big family reunion (Thank you so much Ana for organizing this special occasion!) and we will go from there.

Please stay tuned for updates:)

p.s. Thank you so much for placing orders while I am away! I am so excited that Nerine is at the shop fulfilling all the orders while we are traveling. She and I have been working together for last three months and I am sure that her packaging will be packed just as much sunshine I tried to include when I wrap the package (if not more!). I still have access to internet here for next few days so please feel free to send me an email if you have any questions! ( xoxo -w