Tuesday, September 9, 2014

cheers to the travel and adventure!

Post travel days are always as adventurous as the actual travel... especially with kids. Jet lag is unpredictable for everyone and real life kind of hits us at the doorstep right when we get home. Satchi managed to get an upset stomach all the way from the return flight into the long weekend. So we rolled from LAX to an urgent care. Thank goodness for the jet lag. We were very awake to take her at 3am. I would assume that it must have been all the ice cream, sweets and sausages she consumed in last two weeks. Well... she was on vacation. What can I say? 

Oh and Coco did not look like the picture below for the first three hours of our flight. 

But then... if someone asked me on the street how was our trip? I would say "awesome" in the heartbeat including the first three hours of our flight from Frankfurt, upset stomach and everything between. Coming home, we packed our carry-on luggage light and just went with it without over preparing for kid's friendly travel. Instead we just dealt with whatever was happening as it happened. 

We are so far from being amazing at traveling (as we really wish)... but each travel we take as a family, we get better, wiser and more patient. That's something to give a toast for and that's exactly what Frido and I did over an aisle with a glass of champaign when Coco finally looked like the below picture. 

cheers to that:)