Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Because what we eat matters...

When we were visiting our family in Germany, we had a taste of fresh ingredients from the local market. It's amazing to realize that all foods are not equal... I think I knew it in my head and we had been trying to stock up our refrigerator with more organic food. But then... even organic fruits and vegetables from a grocery store never really "tasted" better aside from giving me a sense of relief that it was labeled as organic. Have you ever felt that way or am I totally going crazy? So when I tasted the vegetable, fruits and even chicken in Germany... and had a chance to cook a few small meals with those ingredients, I was totally wowed. The texture, color and of course... flavor. I asked myself "where are these ingredients in LA??".

We haven't quite figured out the answer yet and we still get a bulk of food from a local Trader Joe's because of convenience and price (and most food from Trader Joe's works great for us;). But we started to receive some of our vegetables and fruits from Farm Fresh to You, a CSA organic farm in northern California that delivers seasonal vegetables and fruits to your doorstep. I love that I can actually handpick which foods we are receiving each week so that there is less surprise when I opened their box upon delivery. It feels a lot to stock up our refrigerator with a box full of fresh food... but we consume them rather quickly especially with our morning smoothies - a new ritual we also adopted after we came back from Germany. I think I missed making smoothies one day since we came home in September. That's pretty good, right? I usually put tons of green vegetables on the bottom (kale, lettuce, cucumber), top it with carrots and fruits like apples, banana, pineapple and any other left over vegetable and fruits from the day before. Then add a spoon full of coconut oil and a cup or two of coconut milk gives the tropical flavor:)

We all drink a cup of smoothies every morning when we wake up even Coco (who can finish a glass in 3 minutes... yes... she loves it...). Just to know that the entire family had a good portion of raw vegetables and fruits in their system before 7am makes me totally happy.