Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello holidays...

Hello November... and we are starting to feel the holiday air at our shop. November and December have been historically difficult for us as a family... to find the equilibrium between shop and home. All the holiday gatherings alone can be really unpredictable and overwhelming for little ones. On top of that add bunch of long days when I am not as present as usual at the dinner table. Part of it is a reality. We run a small online retail and we do get busy during these two months.

But I hope we are little wiser this year than previous years. This year we have Nerine to help us with a part of order fulfillment and more. We have only committed to do one holiday market with Remodelista on December 6th (detail here) and we are excited:). We have declined to be a part of other online flash sales for holidays because flash sales simply don't align with why we do what we do. I am probably going to decline more personal social invitation for next two months than I usually would. Instead of going out I am looking forward to be spending as much week nights and weekends with Frido and our sunshines at home making our holidays special by being present.

In next two months and many more months to follow... we are thrilled to take a part of meaningful gift giving and want to be there as a little store when our customer needs something special for his or her loved ones... like a reliable friend would. It makes us happy to be asked to gift wrap when an order comes in because we know that the package we wrap will bring a smile when it is opened. We want to keep the bright holiday spirit and stay true to who we are no matter what season we are in.

If you have a moment to take all in and share, I would love to hear what kind of holiday seasons you are envisioning to embrace this year. Because things really do happen when we actually say it out loud;)
