Saturday, December 13, 2014

Filling my happiness cup

I had a little chat with my friend about how difficult it is for many of us to fill our own happiness cup before we devote our energy to our family and other things we dedicate our lives to. Especially this year I have felt that I pushed my personal priorities aside over many other things that are so important to my life... Baum-kuchen, kids, family... 

One thing I stopped doing around the mid-year was to eat real lunch. If you have little ones, you know how challenging it is to put food in our system. Kids eat... but we don't. On the days when I am with our girls, I often end up munching on some left over bits and pieces of food Satchi and Coco leave on their plates. On my work days, I never had enough time to take a lunch break because there were simply more to tackle for the hours I was at the studio. By the end of the day, I am totally exhausted and drained. If you know me personally, you know... that it's so not Wakako! 

So came December, I told myself that I seriously needed to start eating real food during the day to get through the busy month. I try to take time to make lunch for all of us when I am at home... and step out of the studio for 30 minutes to grab real food (often at Lemon Poppy Kitchen) when I am at work. I am still fairly exhausted by the end of the day (who knew that parenting can be like a work-out?) but I definitely feel the difference. It also gives me a chance to recalibrate the day by looking through my notebooks, to-do lists and ideas and dreams I wrote down before. I am really looking forward to taking care of myself little bit more next year...