Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Personal style guide

Do you have a style guide for your wardrobe and look/feel?? 

Recently I started to think about it after feeling like I have too many clothes I don't wear in my closet. Also Coco is now 20 months... with so much more independence than she used to a year ago... I have been aware of my feeling and the need to find myself as a singular person again. Usually when I have something in mind, I dedicate a spread on my Traveler's Notebook kraft refill (TN014) to collect thoughts and inspiration over time. 

I think I have been working on this spread over 3-4 months... 

As I thought and wondered about how I wanted to present myself to the world, I came across this beautiful quote by Audrey Ducas on A Cup of Jo and I thought it was powerful.

"A woman is at her most beautiful when she's kind, lively and imaginative, goes through life consciously and stays authentic, however she looks. Being true to oneself, with a willingness to question things, take risks (emotional as well as physical), learn, change and grow is my motto. Smiling and having fun along the way is key: the happier you feel, the more beautiful you look!"

I love that the definition of beauty has nothing to do with materialistic and skin-deep look... instead it's much more about our energy, happiness and how we live. 

I would love to own 1/2 of clothes I currently own and really feel incredible from inside and out when I pick up a clothe and accessories that makes me feel like myself. 
My current favorite pieces are...:
I am always looking for inspiration and would love to hear your favorite pieces if you have one:)