Sunday, February 1, 2015

Today is the only day...

Lately I have been obsessed with the idea of "today is the only day". Maybe because I recently read the book "Being mortal"... or maybe because it's a new year.

Life isn't made of huge milestones that get highlighted. They are part of it but the big chunk of our life is made of everyday. The mundane... possibly boring events that get overlooked easily.

Life is in beautiful details that only last for a glimpse of seconds... 

Life happens this moment.

This is what the quote "today is the only day" means to us... to our Baum-kuchen family. I hope you enjoy taking a peek into our little mundane life. It's a collection of moments that makes us "us".

... and if today were the only day, how would your day... or this moment.. look like?

