Friday, March 6, 2015

Sending you bright sunshine from Cupcake ATM machine:)

Yesterday Frido and I stepped out of the house for a few hours. One of the stop we made was a cupcake vending machine by Sprinkles At Americana at Brand! 

Seriously... we love anything with vending machine and there was something very magical about a boxed cupcake appearing out of nowhere. It definitely kicked off our early evening date night in the right mood. And no... the cupcake did not come out half eaten as the last picture shows. I couldn't wait to try it out.... so I start munching on it in the car while on our way to dinner. 

Something never change..., my friend.
I hope your kick-off to the weekend is lovely and I am sending lots of warmth towards your way:) 


p.s. I love the Superior Labor Paint Small Shoulder Bag. It not only fits my Traveler's Notebook, camera and my phone... but also could step up to carry a diaper, a wipe and Coco's little stuffed animal for an occasion. (Although I enjoyed carrying it w/o an extra set of diaper last night:)