Friday, March 27, 2015

Staying true.

It has been a crazy week between launching TN Blue Limited Edition as well as new collection of mt masking tapes between all the operational tasks I have had on my ongoing to-do list. I am so glad that we now have Nerine working 2/week helping us with processing online orders, shipment and being in charge of making the bk leather charms and Frido taking a big responsibility in hands-on sample making for the studio. But then... I sometimes forget that I still wear almost all the hats for Baum-kuchen. On one day I can juggle between being a book keeper, inventory manager, creative director for online contents, a manager (and the only one) behind our customer service, a social media correspondent as well as fulfilling online orders and helping in-store customers. Oh and I have a huge desire to be there for my girls... and with my family. 

Wednesday afternoon I felt the peak... and I knew that I needed to change the pace of the way I was working. Thursday is usually one of my 2 weekdays at home with Satchi and Coco. I felt the urgency and need for being inspired from my life as I head home on Wednesday. I had all kind of ideas how to fill the Thursday with the girls... but I knew in my heart that I needed to find inspiration from our own home with them instead of looking for the external stimuli. We did head out to our local favorite Lincoln Pasadena for breakfast... but spent the rest of day organizing the house, giving some love to our closet (and trying out some pink dresses), spending a lot of time in the backyard, making frozen yogurt, having tea with Satchi, picking wild flowers from the garden... and resting. It felt very much like I was airing the house but also my soul in a really positive way. I also had sometime to browse the Kinfolk magazine Entrepreneurship issue between Coco's nap. I was surprised to read that so much of the issue was dedicated to the idea of "slow work"... which happened to be exactly what I needed to read. 

The subtitle for the issue is,
"Success is defined not only by the work we do but also by the people we help, the communities we build and the healthy balance we strike between work and leisure." 

By the end of the night, I felt better and had a clear idea about what are my priorities coming in the studio today... one of which was to write this post before I dive into the back-end support for Baum-kuchen... while the feeling was still fresh. 

I have put my personal wellness aside for a few years while girls were younger. It really was my choice to devote all of me to them for the first few years of their lives. But now that they are little older and more independent and also Baum-kuchen has gone through the infant stage of a business, I am hoping that I will slowly re-calibrate to find little more time to take care of myself. Because I truly believe that helping others and building communities all takes healthy mindset and lifestyle of my own. 

So now that writing this post is ending..., my 2nd priority of the day is to respond to my emails with love and care. So don't be surprised to receive an email from me if there has been a pending correspondence between me and you:)

Things might take longer to process when I try to run Baum-kuchen in more human way... but my personal goal always has been to grow the business that is proportional to our life so I think I will stay true to that. 

Happy Friday to you!
