Sunday, August 16, 2015

Baum-kuchen brick & mortar... keep evolving:)

How is your Sunday?? I hope you are staying cool... away from the crazy Los Angeles sunshine!

I got to come in the studio to work. Our front shop is nicely air conditioned (unlike our back room which gets really hot in the morning) so I spent little fun time re-organizing the shop area this morning. For the summer season, I had a collection of drift artifacts laid out on our middle table. I loved them so much... but it was time for a change. So I thought it would be fun to lay out all the Traveler's Notebook related items on the table just like the way I was arranging the drift artifacts. In an organized grid. I had so much fun... I could have spent hours organizing and re-organizing all the TN refill notebooks. I am glad that all the Traveler's Notebook items are laid out nicely for now since a lot of customers stop by the BK shop looking to purchase refill notebooks or to start their first Traveler's Notebook adventure. We are looking into a vintage postal shelf to sort all these incredible refills in the near future... but for now this arrangement works!

I also pulled all the notepad and clips in designated area. Obviously I have slight addiction to notepads and clips (I came to the conclusion after I looked around the entire shop and realized I have so many of them!)

If you are in the mood of a notepad, check out the ones from Paperways, Roterfaden, Mnemosyne, and Insatsu-Kakou-Ren.

Next few weeks as I get little more time to work in the shop/studio, I am looking forward to redesigning our packaging/fulfillment system (maybe new stickers, new invoice sheet, updated tape???) We will see what comes out of the process!

Have a great Sunday!