Friday, August 7, 2015

On sharing life... and staying focused to connect

I just sent out our August Baum-kuchen love letter. I love putting together this love letter each month since it really captures the dynamic feeling of the month... (If you haven't subscribed..., check out this page to subscribe:) We have been working with Angie to bring interesting stories together to thread through the idea and philosophy we believe in as Baum-kuchen.

On my personal note..., I recently had an interesting Facebook moment. I have used Facebook both for Baum-kuchen and personal. To try staying connected with friends near and far. For some reason... the night... I just felt overwhelmed. I think it's an interesting spiral hole. When I post something on Facebook, I feel like I need to check back to make sure that there are no pending comments to respond to. Then I ended up checking other links and friends' vacation pictures... and here goes 30 minutes here and there. The night... I realized... I much rather spend the time to connect with my friends and family in person... or maybe by snail mail correspondence. I think everyone is different. But I felt really hungry for catching up with friends, talking about everything and nothing and being surprised by news I hear from them in person whether it is with laugher or hard tears. 

So I announced Frido that I won't be checking Facebook anymore. Maybe for now... or maybe for a very long time. I don't know but at this moment... not having to check back on the website feels just amazing. 

Aside from having more time with people around us..., I am hoping to curve some time out to write more whether on my actual notebook or here on our blog. This blog has always been close to me. A place for reflection, to capture learning in everyday... and be accepting the imperfection in life. I will of course continue to share moments on Instagram. But I apologize if my reply is bit delayed. For anything urgent, please kindly send me an email:) 

Baum-kuchen has never had any big marketing/communication strategy. Maybe my imaginary marketing officer will get upset for making Baum-kuchen Facebook page to be empty nested for a while. Oh well...  we will probably never have a crazy marketing/communication strategy because I believe that we will do what's right for me and us at the moment and things and perspectives change over time. And that's okay.

Cheers to you and amazing weekend ahead:)
