Monday, December 21, 2015

Gift embrace our hopes and dreams...

Every year Frido and I spend quite bit of time discussing and figuring out what to share with Satchi and Coco as Christmas gifts. We don't buy a lot for rest of the year except their birthday in June and Christams so it's exciting for us to think of something special...

On December 6th... for Saint Nicolaus day, they got a pair of vintage aviator caps and vintage binocular from Japan. I have to say... Frido is amazing in treasure hunting and discovering something unique on eBay. They have been playing a lot of "traveling" pretend game where they are on the boat or airplane made of upside down couch and pillows... heading to Yakushima or Singapore (where Frido traveled pretty frequently in last few years). So we thought these props might ignite their imagination little bit more.

As we unfolds holiday spirit which invites few occasions of gift exchanges, I love reminding myself that gift embraces our hopes and dreams for someone special. It's not just "things" that we are giving but it's the meaning behind it and how we see the person playing with it, using it, wearing it, experiencing it...

To me remembering the concept completes the feeling of holidays in a holistic way.

I hope you are doing well with holidays in and ahead... And I like to also remind ourselves... that less of everything and anything is always more:)
