Wednesday, June 8, 2016

BK Camping // Coco's 3rd birthday at Big Bear

We are in the month of birthday celebration, travel, and summer! To kick off the season, we headed out to Big Bear Mountain this past weekend for our first camping trip of the year. Friday was Coco's birthday and we love the idea of taking a special family trip to celebrate the special occasion. 

This was our first time camping at Big Bear and we really enjoyed the Serrano Campground. The campsite was spacious, shady, clean and felt woodsy... and was infused with the amazing fragrance of pine and juniper trees. At night we could see so many stars... even though we were only 2 hours away from Los Angeles. Satchi and Coco played for hours collecting pinecones to add to our campfire, making up some games, exploring the "woods" (the little bush nearby our tent)... and more. We did some camping last year too and it was fun to watch how much they have both grown in a year by observing their attitudes towards camping and unstructured open-ended play time. From our tent, we were able to walk to the lake shore and splash water in late afternoon. That was probably their favorite activity... by far. 

Coco did wake up in the middle of nights in our tent both nights... and it was hard to be out of our sleeping bags when it was really really cold outside... and when we were worried that we might wake up and upset other campers. Oh... the parenthood. Thankfully she did calm down in a little while and went back to sleep... and we did get to see some more stars when the entire mountain felt so quiet. 

Really... the journey is the destination.