Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Value the realness of a life truly lived

I am beyond thankful for all the lovely support we have been receiving about our choice to go with the homeschooling route.

One of the comments that were shared on my previous post by Juliana really brightened my day. 
"Value the realness of a life truly lived"

I loved that the idea of "realness" felt inclusive of good and hard time in everyday... not just the "highlight" of the day. It was such an encouraging word and I thought it might bring inspiration to every family who is having the real life:) 

We have just finished our first meeting with our educational specialist from homeschool charter school. We enjoyed every moment of having a very special teacher all to ourselves for a good hour or so. Also so nice to be able to check in to see how we are doing with our routine with another individual who are very familiar with the concept of homeschooling. Now that we have a whole month under our belt, the new routine is starting to feel more natural to us and we are understanding what works and what doesn't. For us... playing, self-motivated exploration/learning, and everyone having the voice to be heard in the family seems to be working.

Adventure continues...