Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Mail Box LOVE

Do you have families and friends near and far?

Our families are kind of all over the place. Frido's parents live in Germany. My parents go back and forth between Orange County (south of LA) and Japan... and we have my sister in San Francisco and auntie Susan in Michigan. Just to name a few. Then there are friends whom Satchi and Coco LOVE sending their love letters to.

We are so lucky to receive so many beautiful packages from Omi in Germany. She has great eyes for white dresses and little things that brighten Satchi and Coco's day. I have been encouraging them to respond by writing but somehow the distance between LA and Germany was a bit of disconnect.

So last month, we did an experiment of having a "mail box" dedicated to Omi and Opi in our dining room. Having the visual reminder that we could connect to Omi and Opi in a tangible way felt more concrete to Satchi and Coco. It was a shipping box that was big enough to put drawings and 3-dimensional objects yet small enough to sit in the corner of our dining room without feeling overwhelming. It was a sweet process to let inside of the box come together organically. Writing letters or making a special package to our friends and families are sure "feel-good" activities for our family. We never come out feeling cranky after finishing making a letter, right?

It took about a month but slowly box filled up and I shipped it off last week.

Afterward, I asked them whose mailbox we want to open next and there was a list... so I am sure there will be more "mailbox" coming out of our dining room!