Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back on earth...

Every re-landing of the earth after we come back from travel is different. This one for sure feels unusually full. Especially because we are going into our very busy fall season at the shop. And we had some issues with AC unit in the studio which brought unexpected studio shut-down days and adjusted opening hours. I so appreciate all our regular and local customers who stopped by the shop in the morning hours instead of our usual afternoon hours while we weren't able to work in the space in the afternoon due to the heatwave. Thank you, our incredible BK community who is anticipating the 2018 analogue set up! And thank you Nerine and Eunice who held up the BK fort so gracefully while Frido and I were away.

Every morning I write one thing I am thankful for on my Jibun Techo monthly page. Today I am thankful for all that BK inspires in us and in our community and being able to paint one picture at a time in order to get a big mural done.

"Trust the Process"... always.