Thursday, October 21, 2010

Inspired by... {moisture in the air x fresh green}

We had one rainy week here in Los Angeles! We barely saw the sun come out so we stayed mostly inside. As much as I love sunny days, it's nice to have a change of scenery here and there. Weather like this reminds me of my days in Seattle.

Foggy morning is my favorite time of the day! The smell of wet soil... very quiet surroundings... I could almost hear the sound of water. Our garden plants are also loving the moisture in the air. The fruit trees we planted in early summer is greener than ever and we are starting to get mossy ground in our (slightly empty) backyard.

When little roo one was asleep, I was able to explore our garden and capture some moments.

I hope your week is as sunny as the sky above these clouds!
1021_moisture in the air x fresh green