Sunday, October 24, 2010

Little roo Sunday {1st road trip}

Happy Sunday everyone:)
We just came back from the first road trip as a family of three! It was a three day road trip to San Francisco with a pit stop at Santa Cruz. Little roo did really really well considering this was her first time being in the car for an extended period. She didn't mind the long drive nor sleeping in the unfamiliar environments.

One of our big agenda for this trip was to spend time with our friends in San Francisco who also have a little girl. Their daughter Ale is one week older than little roo!  With two of them together, we can cover quite bit of global view (little roo is German/Japanese. Ale is American/Peruvian/Italian) It was so cute to see them together side by side.

Inspired by little Ale, little roo tried her first solid food tasting (a.k.a. yummy avocado). Before this trip, I was pretty convinced that we were not going to introduce solid for another 4 months or so... but I am so glad we let her try. She totally loved munching on mushed avocado. 

Ale and little roo did some modeling together with Snug Attack GIRL shirt. (aren't they cute holding their hands together?) The purple looked quite cute on them and I really liked how abstract typography looked once I put the shirt on little roo.

I hope you enjoy the rest of Sunday! I have a few more travel posts I would love to share with you as well as some shipment to take care of so I will be working for next few hours from here. Then we are off to Halloween decoration get together with friends:)
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